Metrorrhagia Specialist

Dunwoody OBGYN
OBGYNs located in North Atlanta, Dunwoody, GA
Metrorrhagia, or irregular menstrual bleeding, should never be accepted as benign. While the underlying cause may be minor, you may also have a more serious gynecologic problem. You may also put your fertility at risk by not addressing irregular bleeding. Dunwoody OB/GYN, LLC, has extensive experience developing effective, individualized treatment that deals with the source of your bleeding and restores typical periods. To schedule an appointment, call the office in Dunwoody, Georgia, or use the online booking feature.
Metrorrhagia Q & A
What is metrorrhagia?
Metrorrhagia is abnormal uterine bleeding defined by irregularity. You should have regular menstrual cycles throughout your reproductive years. For most women, menstruation occurs every 21-35 days, and their periods last seven days or less. But there are a few exceptions.
Adolescents commonly have irregular periods for the first few years after they start menstruating. It’s also normal for women to experience irregular periods in the 3-5 years before menopause.
Generally, however, spotting or bleeding between your periods should be evaluated by your doctor at Dunwoody OB/GYN, LLC. Irregular bleeding can signal a serious underlying problem.
What causes metrorrhagia?
Irregular menstrual bleeding has many possible causes, including:
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
- Endometrial polyps
- Hormone imbalance
- Endometriosis
- Uterine fibroids
- Uterine cancer
- Miscarriage
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Intrauterine device (IUD)
You can also develop irregular periods from health conditions such as thyroid disease, eating disorders, uncontrolled diabetes, and obesity.
What symptoms might appear with my irregular bleeding?
The primary symptom of metrorrhagia is light to heavy bleeding between your menstrual periods. Many women also develop pelvic pain, cramping, and other types of abnormal uterine bleeding due to the underlying cause of the metrorrhagia.
For example, endometrial polyps, endometriosis, and uterine fibroids may cause periods that are heavier or last longer.
How is metrorrhagia treated?
The treatment you receive for irregular uterine bleeding depends on the cause of the problem. After your doctor at Dunwoody OB/GYN, LLC, performs a full examination, he or she may order blood tests to check for hormone imbalances. Your provider may also test for other biomarkers, including blood glucose levels.
You may also need diagnostic imaging such as ultrasound or a hysteroscopy that allows your doctor to see inside your uterus and take a biopsy if needed.
Your treatment may include hormonal medications to regulate your menstrual cycles. Oral contraceptives, a hormone-containing intrauterine device, shots, and vaginal rings are all possible options for delivering hormones.
When your doctor at Dunwoody OB/GYN, LLC, diagnoses conditions such as polyps, fibroids, or endometriosis, you may need minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery to remove the abnormal tissues. If you have heavy bleeding, your doctor may recommend endometrial ablation using NovaSure® or Thermachoice® if you no longer plan to have children.
If you have metrorrhagia, call Dunwoody OB/GYN, LLC, or schedule an appointment online.
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